Crankshaw Sports Stats

1968 European Championship Final Ratings

Ratings based on 1968 European Championship Final (Italy hosts)

1968 UEFA Euro Championship champions: Italy

Field Strength = 100.43

Italy 331100.67100.49101.15
England 221100.50100.37100.87
Yugoslavia 32399.67100.46100.13
Soviet Union 20299.00100.4199.41

Methodology for predictor ratings developed in SAS. Methodology is as follows:

                i. Calculate an intial rating: (GF-GA)/MP +100 for every team
               ii. Calculate the mean intial ratings for all opponents as intial
                   strength of schedule.
               iii. Adjust initial rating of every team by initial strength of schedule.
               iv. Iterate through steps ii. and iii. until convergence or ten 
                   iterations (which ever comes first) to calculate final strength of schedule (variable OPP above).
               v. Adjust OPP rating by Field Strength ( where Field Strength is the average rating of participants in the most recent World Cup competition) 
                   using formula: OPP = OPP + (Field Strength - 100)
               vi. Adjust initial rating by final strength of schedule using    formula: Rating = Initial Rating + [OPP - 100]

A Rating system for International and Club Football Teams